If you know anything about home improvement projects, it’s that Fontana, CA replacement windows are quite an investment. You know windows are expensive so it’s really best to do the job at the exact right time. How can you decide that you need new windows when repairs might do? There are some issues that can be repaired, sure, but there are bigger things that require replacements. Here are a few of the top reasons to replace windows in your home.
#1: Blown Windows
If your windows have condensation between the panes or a fog that just won’t’ go away, they probably have a blown seal. That means that whatever gas or air was between the panes is no longer there to protect your home. It can happen in a number of ways, but once a window is blown, it has to be replaced or it won’t do a good job for you.
#2: Obvious Rot
If you have windows with wood frames, rot is a huge danger. Rot can allow in air, but it can also let pests and water in. Rotting windows look bad and bring down home value, but they are also a danger and can even mold and cause health risks. Once rot starts, it’s hard to stop and it’s best to get replacement windows.
#3: Drafts
Old, damaged, and worn out windows might have gaps and leaks that allow air into the room. You can sometimes combat those leaks with new caulk or weather stripping, but the leaks will eventually get worse and they always increase your heating and cooling bills. Rather than put up with the discomfort, new windows in Fontana, CA are a good idea.
#4: Higher Energy Bills
If you’ve lived in your home for any length of time, you know what energy bills are normal and what are higher than they should be. If your bills are going up, up, up, replacing your windows is a great answer. You want a home that has efficient windows that work for your bills, not against them. And you really don’t want to pay for more energy than you actually need to use. High energy bills aren’t going to go back down unless you do something about those windows.
Did you see yourself in any of these reasons to replace your Fontana, CA windows? Your home will likely be better off with new windows if you can relate to any of those reasons to replace. Repairs are sometimes possible but replacing windows that really need to be replaced will make a world of difference. Contact J. R. Door & Window Inc for help with your window issues at 909-949-9902. We love offering new customers free consultations and we won’t pressure you into anything you aren’t ready for. No obligations! No worries! You can also stop by and see us at 615 N Benson Ave, Unit I, Upland, CA 91786 to tour our showroom.